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About Me


As a little girl, I spent my free time casting my cousins and I in various productions of Annie (yours truly as the title role every time.) I directed and choreographed, designed costumes, and made sure everyone wrote their bios for our single handmade program that was passed around the audience. All of this hard work, only for my cousin to forget the first line-ruining the show. But do not worry, I saved it by doing a concert version of all the songs myself. 

As a child, I loved the thrill of being on stage, but more importantly, loved the experiences gained off stage. I can confidently say I have met all of my closest friends through theatre. Maybe that is because I started performing at the age of eight, or that I went to both an arts high school and college, who's to say. 

The process of “putting on a show” is something I have always loved, which is why I started directing children's theatre. Watching young artists grow in such a short amount of time is truly remarkable. 

As a performing artist, I want to make thought-provoking theatre through avenues of strong human emotion. From laughter to tears, I want audiences to think about their emotional responses to the stories being told. I want to continue to work with younger artists while bringing these types of conversations into the rehearsal room, while still growing and developing myself into the artist I want to be.

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